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I want to thank you and Achtypis Tours for the excellent tours that you put together for us. We were very happy with the tour guides, service and itineraries. Our guide in Athens, Dori, was particularly exceptional.

I will be sure to contact you for future projects and bookings for Greece.

Many thanks,

De Anza Travel
Kent Vincent
20 Oct 2010

"...Greetings from the USA.  You may remember my wife Renie and me from the knitting tour group in October 2004.  It was a wonderful tour, and you did an excellent job arranging it.We are considering returning to Greece again this year...! "

Jim Grohl
Jim Grohl
16 May 2005

Buon giorno AchtypisTours, 

Per prima cosa volevo ringraziarla tantissimo per il servizio che ci avete fornito, era veramento tutto molto ben organizzato e professionale.

Inoltre volevo farvi I complimenti per la guida di Efeso il Sig. Nedret Gungor, è veramente una persona professionale e molto simpatico, I miei compagni di viaggio sono rimasti tutti entusiasti (molto contenti).

Daniela Coppari
1 Dec 2010

"...Ce petit message pour vous dire que le petit groupe suisse est rentré très satisfait de leur transfert et visite privés (excellente guide !).Moi-même, je vous remercie de votre assistance et de votre aide que j’ai bien appréciées à Nauplie dans les préparatifs du concert et à Athènes au moment du débarquement.Meilleures salutations..."

Tapis Rouge
16 Sep 2008

Thanks again for your kindness and all the help you've provided!

Thierry Alleaume
17 Jun 2010

I would like to express my sincere thanks to your agency who made our tour so wonderful.... the schedule was well tuned to our satisfaction.  Best sightseeing points were well covered with good tempo and a nice bilingual guide who was knowledgeable...the bus driver was skilful and reliable..the hotel was very spacious and clean at good locations, especially at Delphi...I would strongly recommend Achtypis tours to my friends who wish to visit your country.

Dr. Yoshihisa Sugita
30 Nov 2009

Dear colleagues,   everything was perfect, thank you.   We look forward to further fruitful cooperation.   Kind regards   Jannis Anthis Travel

Jannis Anthis Travel
Jannis Anthis

I just wanted to thank-you for all of the help and assistance that you have been to me.

Gerrie King Cruises
Kevin Marshall
13 May 2010

I would like to thank you all for your excellent cooperation during 2010! As always, it has been a pleasure working with you.I wish you all a nice autumn and winter and look forward to working with you again next spring!

Kristina Cruises
12 Nov 2010

Thank you Martha.  You have been a tremendous help with my group and I look forward to enjoying all the tours in each port.  

Inside Out Travel
Brenda Hughes
7 Oct 2010