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“… thank you very much for your kind cooperation and for the perfect service and organization you had done for this small group sailed with Costa Marina.”

Michael Mairhofer
27 Oct 2003

“…thank you for your prompt reaction to the sudden strike and for finding us buses and solutions really on the last minute !” 

Swan Hellenic Cruises
Swan Hellenic Cruises
29 Jun 2003

"...Θα θέλαμε να εκφράσουμε τις θερμές μας ευχαριστίες για την επιτυχημένη οργάνωση
από μέρους σας της ημερήσιας εκδρομής στην Ζάκυνθο με ιστιοφόρο στις 11 Ιουνίου 2005.
Ευελπιστούμε σε συνεργασία και στο μέλλον μαζί σας με ανάλογα αποτελέσματα..."

11 Jun 2005

"...Ce petit message pour vous dire que le petit groupe suisse est rentré très satisfait de leur transfert et visite privés (excellente guide !).Moi-même, je vous remercie de votre assistance et de votre aide que j’ai bien appréciées à Nauplie dans les préparatifs du concert et à Athènes au moment du débarquement.Meilleures salutations..."

Tapis Rouge
16 Sep 2008

We were very satisfied with the services you provided, we had a wonderful time. All the tours, guides & drivers were excellent. Thank you !I hope we will see each other again someday, rest assured that  I'll be recommending you to our friends..


Wilfredo Rapanan Group
26 Apr 2011

DANKE für die gute abwicklung - werde mir ihr agentur im auge behalten 

Franz Kerschbaum
15 Jan 2010

"...Dear Mr. Panagiotis, I give you best compliments for your organization regarding Olympia and Rhodes sightseeing for our group.I hope meet you in Italy at my office...."...hello panagiotis, once again thank you very very much for your cooperation. BEST COMPLIMENTS for your organization... !!

Tours Italy
26 Nov 2007

Dear colleagues,   everything was perfect, thank you.   We look forward to further fruitful cooperation.   Kind regards   Jannis Anthis Travel

Jannis Anthis Travel
Jannis Anthis

Thank you so much, the itinerary is gorgeous, will keep it for future reference. Your service is fantastic, very high quality standard, will recommend to our friend if they want to visit Greece.

Chinese Palace Travel
Chinese Palace Travel
23 Dec 2010

We were very satisfied with Mr Panagiotis’ driving.The bus was good quality and the driver kept it clean throughout the trip.  The driver perfectly handled the technical problem he encountered with the A/C system.We believe the driver did his best and did not mind if we asked him to do anything…I would just like to add that I was very satisfied with the service Martha gave us during the planning of our trip.  She kept us informed of any changes needed, possible problems which could arise and she liaised very well with the ferry company on our behalf.  She was always helpful, very quick to respond and very clear with the information she provided….In general, we were satisfied with the service of your company and we look forward to working with Achtypis again in the future.

The Wayfarers
12 Jun 2011