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Dear colleagues,   everything was perfect, thank you.   We look forward to further fruitful cooperation.   Kind regards   Jannis Anthis Travel

Jannis Anthis Travel
Jannis Anthis

Thank you too for your prompt reply. You have been most helpful and the first Person to give me an honest answer. I will pass this information onto my clients

JetSet Rose Bay
12 Jun 2011

DANKE für die gute abwicklung - werde mir ihr agentur im auge behalten 

Franz Kerschbaum
15 Jan 2010

Thank you again and I really do appreciate your professional response!

Robert Floyd
23 Jun 2010

Dear Aliki / Martha,

Thank you for the letter and the receipt that we have received today, we are very please to have your good service, all our customers did enjoy their holiday, hopefully will contact your company in the near future.

Chinese Palace Travel
26 Apr 2011

“Nous avons reçu des félicitations de la part de l’agence (Communication Voyages) pour notre parfaite organisation et cela me donne une fois de plus l’occasion de remercier chaleureusement toute la famille Achtypis pour ses attentions et son professionnalisme, qui nous ont permis de réussir, grâce a vos service, cette escale, avec un respect total du timing général et des prestations en particulier…”

Marketing & Promotion
Nathalie Lycas
21 May 2003

“…thank you for your prompt reaction to the sudden strike and for finding us buses and solutions really on the last minute !” 

Swan Hellenic Cruises
Swan Hellenic Cruises
29 Jun 2003

"...Θα θέλαμε να εκφράσουμε τις θερμές μας ευχαριστίες για την επιτυχημένη οργάνωση
από μέρους σας της ημερήσιας εκδρομής στην Ζάκυνθο με ιστιοφόρο στις 11 Ιουνίου 2005.
Ευελπιστούμε σε συνεργασία και στο μέλλον μαζί σας με ανάλογα αποτελέσματα..."

11 Jun 2005

"...Dear Mr. Panagiotis, I give you best compliments for your organization regarding Olympia and Rhodes sightseeing for our group.I hope meet you in Italy at my office...."...hello panagiotis, once again thank you very very much for your cooperation. BEST COMPLIMENTS for your organization... !!

Tours Italy
26 Nov 2007

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your great help, Takis. I don’t think I would have had the heart to do this with anyone else other than Achtypis Tours. For that great confidence, of course, we all need to say a big “Thank you” to your Dad, whose long years of service- as you have acknowledged- has given Achtypis Tours its fine name. A name that gives customers like us – on the other side of the Atlantic- the utmost confidence

With Warm Greetings, Easter Wishes, and Thanks for your enthusiasm, hard work, and professionalism,

Alexis Xenakis
15 Apr 2004